Welcome to My

Coaching Containers


The Space Where You Rediscover Your Agency, Know Your Purpose, and Create the Drive to Go After It.

My Sessions Are…


From metaphysical energetics to systemics and trauma-sensitive coaching, my toolbox covers everything you need for a wholesome approach to your biggest transformation yet.


Resonance is the greatest indicator for what’s right for you. Together we dig up that internal guidance system from under your social conditioning and get you back in touch with yourself.


Recalibrating your soul alignment lies at the heart of my work. It’s time to turn up the volume on your intuition and then let yourself dance in the direction of your purpose.

Here’s How You’re Gonna Feel:

more emotionally regulated, in tune with your intuition and purpose - and empowered to actualise your potential beyond your wildest dreams.

How I work…

If you want your 3D world to express differently, the path is to find a different expression of self first. Your life is going to mirror the feeling of you, so that feeling needs to be calibrated accordingly. The way there is through self-inquiry, questioning of old conditioned belief systems, and new mindset habits that plant the seeds for your desired experience.

Identity Work

A regulated nervous system is the prerequisite for manifestation magic to happen. Why? Because we create from  our inner state. And there’s the saying that “story follows state”, meaning your state of being determines the story you tell yourself about your past and potential future. A nervous system needs to feel safe in order for you to be able to feel curious and eager for new experiences. It’s time to shift your state so that a new story can follow.

Nervous System Regulation

You are more than your current state of self. You are made of multiple parts. They were created as internal, mental-emotional response patterns to (early) relationship experiences. That basic principle is used in different modalities such as IFS (Internal Family Systems Therapy) or Ego State Therapy. Addressing the individual needs that parts - often frozen in time and space - keep yearning for is an essential ingredient in freeing you from the invisible limitations that used to block you from being who you came here to be.

Parts Work / Inner Child Work

Your body is the vessel that is going to get you to any place you desire. Through imagination and aligned action, it will anticipate and create the way for you. Creating a different life for yourself happens through the body, not around it. Prepare to have it feel and do things it’s never done before - until you find yourself in a life you almost didn’t deem possible.

Embodiment / Energetic Body Work

What clients are saying…

"You have the ability to leave space for others to be themselves."


"You gave me the impulse that shifted my perspective in an instant."


"Thank you for reminding me of all the good that's already there."


"You have the ability to leave space for others to be themselves." 〰️ "You gave me the impulse that shifted my perspective in an instant." 〰️ "Thank you for reminding me of all the good that's already there." 〰️

Check out my current online 1:1 coaching offer


Is this going to heal my trauma?

If you are looking for trauma therapy and psychotherapy, this offer is NOT for you. I am not a licensed therapist and I don’t offer therapy in order to heal any diagnoses, including trauma-related disorders. If you’re suffering from PTSD, CPTSD, or recent shock trauma, please seek out a specialised trauma therapist or mental health professional.

I’m looking for someone to fix my life, can you save me?

All I can do is help you build a habit of saving yourself. And once you understand how to hold and meet your own needs, everything else is going to unfold from there. Instead of fixing what feels broken, I provide a thorough recalibration of a mindset that has been trained to believe it can’t - when in reality it can. My goal is to help you autogenerate your own proof and experience of how you can.

Is this spiritual bypassing?

No! But I hear your question. The reason I didn’t apply manifestation for years was because I thought it was synonymous with bypassing and if you know anything about trauma, you know that bypassing the intense emotions or beliefs behind it is a BAD idea. My approach is integrative and acknowledging of your experience. Little spoiler: you still get to create whatever you want!

I’m really having a tough time…

I believe you - and I know that what kept you stuck won’t get you out. Believe me when I say I’ve tried. It didn’t work. Until I stopped whining. Not because I gave up on the reality of what felt hard, but because I gave up on needing other people to validate it. If you don’t need an ‘other’ to make your feelings true and valid anymore, then you don’t need an ‘other’ in order to make your peace and success become true and valid.

I don’t even know WHAT I wanna manifest. Is this still for me?

YES! Creating strong dreams and desires for a blissful life on your terms requires a nervous system that feels safe to wander. If your nervous system has been trained for survival and functional freeze, it may take some deliberate and guided focus (as well as nervous system regulation) in order to reconnect you to the intuition and wisdom within and plant the seeds for your true purpose to thrive.

How do I know if working with you is right for me?

You know it by how it feels.

It’s as simple as that. If you feel curious, expansive, and free at the thought of working with me, then that is your confirmation to follow the impulse.

In that case, I am looking forward to you reaching out!